KavTrom News

Family News

 In May, Julia graduated from St. Michael’s College in Vermont.  We all traveled up for the graduation and it rained for a steady three days.  It rained for the ceremony, the party, the move-out.  Nonetheless, Julia graduated on time with good grades and a plan. 

 She is currently living at home (they all are!) and working on pre-requisites for Nursing School.  Her plan is to eventually become a midwife.

To pay for school and other expenses Julia is waitressing at the American Girl Bistro in Tysons Corner Mall.  The job appears to pay as well as nursing and offers no shortage of crazy stories.

This year Andrew left a three year job driving the Zamboni at the Washington Capitals practice facility.  He is now working at an Advertising firm called Adworks.  He commutes to downtown DC, works in a hip office in agreat neighborhood and once again we are all wondering how he lands these great jobs!

He turned 21 in November and is working on Technical certifications on a path of network engineering.  He does his share of shuttling Margaret around and running various errands designed to make it less comfortable to live at home.

In one month Margaret will become eligible for her learner’s permit!  She competed this year in an Irish Dance competition in Orlando, FL, joined the Ultimate Frisbee Team at school, played basketball, was inducted into the National Honor Society and joined the school production of Oklahoma!  To say the least, she’s a busy girl.

In January she will travel with three friends (and a mom) to New York to see her heart-throb, Darren Chris of Glee in a broadway show.

Tony & Alice celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary with the very generous gift from Tony’s mom, a 2 week trip to Hawaii!  They had a great trip–and well documented on this very blog–and an overall good year.  

 Alice went on a cruise with her girlfriend Mary, traveling  from Boston to Montreal.  She also went on a couple trips with Margaret and Julia.  She continues to be a sought-after resource at trade shows around the country and if you happen to attend one you will always find a line at Alice’s booth!

Tony traveled to southern Arizona for a golf trip with the guys; and despite being the worst golfer, somehow managed to win!  He also spent a lot of time on the bike trail this summer riding many miles with a couple biking buddies.  Cooking also remains a life long passion and this year the ToneManBlog was started.  To date the blog has had over 10,000 visitors.

Both of us continue to work all the time, both frequently traveling, but when both home, enjoying nights out with friends at the many great bars and restaurants that have opened in Arlington.

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